Dear Vivianne

Hi, Viv. I'm writing about you, as you requested once!

So, I met this beautiful girl named Vivianne. She's perhaps my only friends from SEA who happens to take the same class with me.
And to be honest, I thought she was stalked me. And she thought too! Until one day, she picked a seat next to me and officially introduce herself because she wanted to know where to buy my boots! (oh Viv. You could do better).

She is from Philippines. Her mother is pinoy, and her father is Japanese. So, you will see a kind of exotic mixture in her.

No, I'm not gonna put your best pic here. Not gonna happen.

My first impression?
She is a w e s o m e. She takes organizing into next level. She has the most neat-est notes in the class. Her bag is only filled with essential survival stuff.
She is that kind of DIY girl. I can see it on her subscribe list on Youtube yet you can see that what she wear is original. Mostly selfmade.

But she doesn't do blog. She is not into taking good photos or putting words into nice paragraphs.
I can say she is pretty introvert. But doesn't mean she don't talk much. She is talented as an announcer, I guess. She is the first to knows juicy gossips around. She socialize normally. She is blatant about truth. Not a kind of geek-nerd-psycho introvert.

Actually, it's her birthday. Her 20th bday!
I wish you a happy birthday dear Vivianne Layson. Thanks for being such a good listener yet such a good living timeline in my life. Thanks for sharing your tiny apartment for us. Thanks to spare you time to walk me to follow where the sun sets almost every weekend. Thanks for your great tv series recommendation.
Long life, wish you all the best.

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Monday 25 May 2015 @ 00:00 / 0 daisies

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